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- Dynamis - San d'Oria
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- Dynamis -
- Dynamis
- Beaucedine
- Dynamis
- Xarcabard
- Dynamis
- Valkurm
- Dynamis
- Buburimu
- Dynamis
- Qufim
- Dynamis - Tavnazia
- Dynamis - FAQ's |
1. You may not join the Dynamis LS if you are not at least level 65.
1. Everyone is expected to put full effort into a Dynamis run they
attend. Examples of lack of effort include but are not limited to the
- Frequently going AFK or standing Idle while you should be doing
- Using Dynamis to skill up a weapon or magic skill
- Not bringing the proper medicines which will be announced during the
meeting period before we enter a Dynamis zone
- Running away and hiding during a big link without permission from
your alliance leader.
- Not using abilities that you are instructed to use (Ex. RDM not
sleeping adds or PLD not using provoke).
- Coming as a job that is not very useful in Dynamis when other jobs
are available to you without permission
- Using a trial weapon (these are not the best weapons in the game so
don't even bother saying it)
2. If you are instructed by the linkshell leader or your alliance
leader to do something and refuse to do it you will be warned. If this
behavior continues corrective action will be taken by linkshell
3. Offensive language or gestures towards any other members of
DynamisAssassins will result in expulsion from the linkshell. We have
a zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. If you accidentally or
purposely offend someone an immediate apology is expected. If the
behavior continues your pearl will be broken.
4. The linkshell chat must remain free of chatter. Anything in the
linkshell chat that is supposed to be there is important so everyone
needs to pay close attention to it at all times.
The following people are allowed to use the linkshell chat for the
following reasons:
-Run Leaders and Alliance Leaders:
Must use linkshell chat to announce important information as he or she
deems necessary.
- Treasure Pool Manager and Ancient Currency Collector:
Must use linkshell chat to announce relic weapon and AF drops,
priority and free lots, or to announce that people need to lot or pass
to clear the treasure pool.
- Raisers:
Must use linkshell chat to call out the person they are raising so
that all other raisers know who is being raised.
- Everyone Else:
May only use linkshell chat if it is necessary to convey a message to
the linkshell. This should only be in the rarest of cases. 99.99% of
what is said such as Stun!, Heal me!, Aggro! etc.. should be said in
party chat. The alliance leader will then relay the message to the
linkshell chat if deemed necessary.
1. AF2/Relic Weapon - yellow search comment dot
2. Ancient Currency - green search comment dot
3. Items - currently all Items not listed specifically are free
drop/no lot.
1. All ancient currency will be collected by 2-3 designated persons.
2. If in the event that Ancient currency is not distributed
immediately after a run: then at the end of the run the ancient
currency collector will total up all ancient currency collected and
multiply the number by 6000. This number will be divided by the number
of people who chose to lot ancient currency. Each person who chose to
lot currency will receive that much gil (not ancient currency). During
dual runs only members actually at the run in question will be able to
buy single currency.
3. 100 pieces will be sold to members to fund Dynamis runs for 1
million gil each. One piece may be purchased per 10 runs attended. The
person needing the currency type in question that is eligible to buy
the most pieces will get first choice on buying. During dual runs
members at the run where the 100 piece did not drop are still eligible
to buy the 100 piece.
Example: 200 Ancient Currency Singles are collected on a run as well
as 1 100 piece currency for a total of 300 currency. 20 People chose
the red dot in their search comment to lot currency.
200 x 6000 = 1,200,000 / 20 = 60000 gil each
3 people wish to buy the 100 piece
Member A - 100 runs attended, 2 100 pieces previously purchased - 100
- 20 = 80
Member B - 90 runs attended, 0 100 pieces previously purchased - 90 -
0 = 90
Member C - 90 runs attended, 1 100 piece previously purchased - 90 -
10 = 80
In this case the piece would go to member B.
4. After gil has been distributed linkshell leader will ask who wants
to buy ancient currency and record what type each member wants to buy.
- Buyers will be allowed to buy only the currency for their current
upgrade stage and must register with Leader what weapon they are
upgrading and what stage they are on before they will be allowed to
start buying currency. Those upgrading relic shield can register only
one type of currency at a time.
- If you do not attend a run you can not buy currency from that run
and if you leave early you can not buy currency unless permission is
granted for RL issue.
- City currency will be split evenly among everyone buying
- CoP content zones will be used to upgrade Relic Armor on a first
come first serve basis at 6k per piece. Member must have the -1 piece
and regular piece and be able to equip +1 piece in order to buy
currency for upgrade
- Northlands currency will be collected and distributed by type and
weapon stage as follows:
05% of all northlands currency will be reserved for members working on
stage 1 relic weapon
10% of all northlands currency will be reserved for members working on
stage 2 relic weapon
35% of all northlands currency will be reserved for members working on
stage 3 relic weapon
50% of all northlands currency will be reserved for members working on
stage 4 relic weapon
- After the distribution is calculated for a run, it is possible that
stage one members will receive more currency of one type than stage 2
lotters of the same type and so on. In the event this happen all
currency for the stages in question will be divided evenly so that a
lesser stage can never get more currency that a higher upgrade stage.
- If no one is at a particular stage when currency is collected then
currency allotted to that stage will be split evenly among the other
three stages
- Currency will not be sold immediately after a Northlands run because
of all the work it will take me to figure out who gets what. I will
distribute it to people before any future Dynamis run and post on
website who is owed what. I will ask who wants to buy for the run
after the run is over though so stay on link until I ask.
5. Ancient currency is only allowed to be purchased for the purpose of
upgrading relic weapons. Anyone caught selling ancient currency
purchased from the linkshell will be removed from the linkshell.
6. In the event that someone changes their mind about upgrading their
relic weapon, all ancient currency purchased from the linkshell must
be returned to the linkshell at the same price it was purchased for.
7. Someone will keep detailed records of all currency purchased from
the linkshell and may at times ask individual members to show him that
they still possess all the currency they purchased or show him their
upgraded relic weapon. This will be done to ensure people are not
selling their ancient currency on the open market at a profit.
8. Any currency not purchased/distributed from/to the linkshell after
an event will be sold via bazaar to the general public at linkshell
leaders discretion. Any profit made this way will be used to help fund
free Dynamis runs.
1. Every member of DynamisAssassins must declare a main job. You may
only set an AF lotting comment for your main job. Any job that you
specify as your main job must be at least level 65.
2. In the event that current unwritten rules are not being followed
the following AF2 rule may be implemented: Members MAY set an AF
comment on a priority run even if they don't have priority; however,
they will not be able to lot until the priority has been satisfied
(everyone who has priority gets their AF first). - Please don't force
us to enforce this rule!
3. After you receive your first piece of AF with DynamisAssassins, you
must be able to equip any subsequent pieces of AF that you wish to lot
unless otherwise specified. This does NOT apply to players that were
at one time a higher level job, but have since delevelled (however; in
some cases these players may not be allowed to lot if no effort is
being made to obtain previous level.
4. You may change your main job by posting a new thread in the
Administrative Changes forum at least 24 hours before a run. If you
post on the day of a run, your job change will not take effect until
the following run. Changing your main job will incur an AF lotting
penalty depending on how many pieces of AF you have, which will start
AFTER the new job is declared:
Member has 0-1 pieces of AF = no penalty
Member has 2-3 pieces of AF = 1 run no lotting AF penalty
Member has 4-5 pieces of AF = 2 run no lotting AF penalty
Member has 6-7 pieces of AF = 3 run no lotting AF penalty
Member has 8-9 pieces of AF = 4 run no lotting AF penalty
Member has 10+ pieces of AF = 5 run no lotting AF penalty
5. New members will not be allowed to set an AF lotting comment until
they have been to at least 3 Dynamis runs. That means you may set an
AF comment on your 4th run.
6. Members must have attended at least 5 of the last 10 runs to be
able to lot AF in Dynamis-Beaucedine and Dynamis-Xarcabard.
7. AF lotting eligibility is determined in the following order
(meaning that if no one satisfies the requirement for category 1, then
people satisfying the requirements for category 2 may lot, etc.):
- Category 1: People who have priority in this zone (permanent or
regular alternating) are at the top of the list. They are eligible to
lot before anyone else is eligible to lot. These people must set an AF
- Category 2: People who have an AF comment set, but who do not have
priority may lot next (as noted above, you may only set an AF comment
for your registered main job). This stage differs based on which zone
we are doing (see below).
- Category 3: If no one who has AF comment set, or everyone who does
has obtained their AF, then any member who is able to equip the piece
may lot it. New members who have not attended the required 3 runs,
members who are currently in a job change penalty, and members not
attending 5 of the last 10 runs for zones with this restriction may
lot at this point and below.
- Category 4: If no one who can equip the piece of AF wishes to lot
it, then people who have the job to 70+ but can't yet equip the piece
of equipment may lot it.
- Category 5: Finally, if no one satisfies the other 4 conditions,
then the piece goes free lot regardless of the level of that job.
Pieces that are obtained via completely free lot (this stage only)
will be noted as such and will NOT be considered when the leaders are
determining priority. You are encouraged to only free lot AF that you
actually intend to use; however, because the AF will not count against
you, do not expect people to pass just because you are closer to 70
than they are.
7b. Category 2 lotting:
For normal city Dynamis zones (Bastok/Jeuno/San d'Oria/Windurst) and
regular CoP zones (Buburimu/Qufim/Valkurm), AF lotting is open to all
members satisfying the regular requirements for this category.
For Northlands zones (Beaucedine/Xarcabard) and Dynamis-Tavnazia,
members will be required to satisfy a minimum requirement of 25 runs
before you can lot the AF that drops in these zones. Thus, this
category breaks into 2 parts:
Category 2a: People who have an AF comment set, but who do not have
priority may lot next, and have satisfied the 25-run requirement
Category 2b: People who have an AF comment set, but who do not have
priority may lot next, and have not satisfied the 25-run requirement
8. The leaders will announce when a piece of AF is lottable by anyone
who can equip, anyone 70+, or anyone via free lot. Do not lot on AF
under these circumstances until it has been announced.
9. Anyone winning AF, free lot or otherwise, is not entitled to a
share of gil for the run in which they obtain the AF. Also, any items
won during the run must be forfeit and will be given to others lotting
10. Anyone arriving at the trail markings 30 minutes or more after the
scheduled run start time will not be allowed to set an AF comment
unless cleared by leadership before the run. This means that if the
run is scheduled to start at 8:00, you may not set an AF comment if
you arrive at the trail markings after 8:15, even if the run doesn't
start until 8:20, and even if you are on your way to the trail
PRIORITY – (The purpose of priority is to reward dedicated members,
NOT to even out the distribution of AF in a perfect mathematical
manner based on drop history)
1. Permanent Priority – This will be decided by vote of all linkshell
leaders and can only occur for one person in one zone for each job.
This is given on the basis of linkshell service. The reasons will be
posted when a selection has been made for permanent priority. Current
permanent priority will be listed in a stick thread in this forum.
Permanent priority will be reviewed weekly to determine if anyone
should lose this privilege or if anyone should be given this
privilege. This priority can not be given for a piece of AF that has
never dropped for us.
2. Regular priority - This will be given to members of a job who are
clearly ahead of the rest of the members of the same job in terms of
attendance and AF won and intangibles such as willingness to sacrifice
themselves for the group and ability to follow orders. Reasons for
giving this priority will be explained when it is given. This priority
may be given to more than one person but only for one zone and not
twice in a row. This priority may be given for a piece of AF that has
never dropped for us.
1. Unless cleared with LS Leader or the leader of the run that day.
Anyone who is more than a half an hour late to the meeting period for
run will be credited with half a run attendance.
2. Anyone who does misses 4 events in a row will be placed as inactive
in the member database. If leadership is notified of reason why
missing 4 runs in a row is necessary this will be extended to 8. If
the situation dictates it (Job, family matters, RL problems etc..) the
amount of runs may be increased indefinitely to accommodate the
situation if leaders agree that it is justified.
3. If you’re consistently late to the start of the meeting period we
will be taking serious action. Action being removal of lotting
privileges for a run, or not allowing you to come on a run period.
4. You are expected to be at any run at least 30 minutes prior to the
linkshell message run time. If the /lsmes says 8 PM EST then you are
expected to be on the link and heading to the meet place by 7:30 PM
5. By notifying a leader ahead of time that you will be late, you may
not receive any penalty.
6. All members of DynamisAssassins will only be required to attend
Dynamis runs with DynamisAssassins Linkshell only unless
DynamisAssassins is skipping a Tuesday or Saturday run for whatever
7. Any member attending another Dynamis Linkshell's run will be
removed from the active memberlist and will no longer be a member of
8. Anyone wishing to attend Dynamis with someone other than
DynamisAssassins may do so if they get express permission first.
9. Anyone missing 10 runs in a row will not be allowed to attend
events without permission. Each case will be discussed with leaders
and make a decision based on that discussion.
1. All AF -1 and Accessories will be lotted same as above but an
upgrade job must be declared by all members. The upgrade job may
differ from the main job.
2. In addition to the standard AF lotting rules, members must have
attended at least 5 of the last 10 runs in order to lot AF -1 and
Accessories including Hydra Armor.
3. Comments do not need to be set for new zones. Any regular AF that
drops can be lotted by anyone who has that job set as their main job. |