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Rules and Regulations for Entry to Dynamis

1. Although not particularly a "Rule" ~ You need to be level 65 with a sufficient Experience Point lead to enter.

There is a reason: Dynamis is a level 65+ area in which most cases you will die - at least once if on a good day, otherwise many times... (happy hunting!)

Mainly the goal is to not let this happen, but, death is inevitable for us all.. If you de-level to 64 you will be automatically removed from Dynamis. Complain to some else if you don't like it; we don't really care.  What is our concern is you leaving us while we are working our way to victory.  This is a rather large team effort and we are such a close knit team you could call us .. many things but mainly at this point call us 'Upset' ~ you are not in there fighting the good fight .. so please :) for the love of all that is holy!!!!! try to get as far into 65 as possible before playing with us and the ugliness in Dynamis !

Thanks, now on to the good stuff!

  1. There is no "Points System" implemented, however there are rules that deal with who gets what and when such that everyone plays fair.
  2. Search Comment - Use it:
    1. Green dot = Money run for you



      Money,  (Yes, Please.)

       (Thank you.)


    2. Yellow dot = AF Armor piece for you

      Please list your jobs 70+ in your yellow dot comment Setting your Main (and/or entering job) in the first position. Don't worry there are special circumstances and it will be deal with simple and easy on an individual basis.

      If a free lot comes, you are welcome to it, but if it is not a free lot - and you lot anyway - without having your jobs listed - and no one was made aware of your lotting preference - .... [GM]Dave will look like a pansy ...

      Just don't do it, play nice, please.

      Example of your yellow dot comment should you enter as a Warrior:

      AF Armor, (Yes, Please.)


      ~~THF AF ~~


      ** Notice THF is listed as the AF you are going for... well, why would you want another WAR piece if you already have it? This is the special circumstance I refer to later... there are others and you can figure out how to comment them once you have spoken with Leader if you are still left uncertain after reading this.... again this is just an example not WRITTEN ON STONE TABLETS!


    3. The key is to make it simple yet fair. try not to cloud up the issues with "what ifs?" and "why fors?" if there is need for further clarification a one-on-one /tell with someone in charge will generally do the trick.

    4. If you, like me, decide to not set comment occasionally just because ( ok I am weird, but fun - so nanner!) or there is not anything your really needed but a WIN under your belt.. don't set comment.. its ok.. BUT (and this is important ...)

    NO WHINING WHEN YOU DON'T GET SQUAT! Thank you and have a nice day!

  3. Your first time we are gentle but still don't expect much.
    1. Nothing like trying to run through Dynamis-Windurst with 16 new people EVERY TIME!

      It isn't that we don't want to..., And New members are ALWAYS welcome. However, it can be frustrating for most established members when:

      1. We get a new member

      2. Enter the run

      3. Have the lot

      4. He gets the drop

      5. We never see him again

      over and over .. and over each week.

      It would be upsetting to you if you spent a year working on AF Armor only to have this scenario play out every drop. (which is not every run by the by)  This is a team/family effort coming in for a "One Night Stand" isn't the kind of team/family we want to establish....  so play nice, play fair and come back next run :)

  4. One AF Armor Lot per run.  (exceptions granted only by LS Leader aka Keithe aka God)
    1. OMG WHY!?!

      .. because it makes it fair for EVERYONE.

  5. Lotting is permitted only on the AF Armor piece matching the job you enter with. 
    1. OMG OMG WHY!?!?!

      .. so you are having trouble understanding the term fair


      1. YOU are a level 73 Beast master

      2. Joedirt over there is a level 10 Beast master

      3. WOOT AF DROP!

      4. Joedirt lots for 995 ~ WOW! (Congratulations!) Joe..

      5. YOU a level 73 Beast master, however, lot for 234 (That's too bad.) ~ and don't have the piece yet

      6. Joedirt has no intent on leveling his Beast master anytime soon.

      So really what was the point of his lot over yours?

      .. there was none ..

      and that is unfair to you...

      So try not to do it to others please.


    2. What if... (will be covered next so pay attention...)

      what if:... the sky fell and everyone had their AF.. yea yea yea ....look, we are trying to be fair here; not cover every little circumstance that might arise.....

      However ~ should a special circumstance come into light.... FIRST!!! talk to God.. err Keithe.. or Sammi or someone in charge who can help you talk to Keithe without him killing you in Ballista next Thursday (kidding kidding Keithe is a stand up guy he wont eat you, trust me hahaha) .. this list is small so don't fret you will find someone fast.

      NEXT! ... don't get greedy because you were granted permission due to special circumstance.. it makes drama and we are a happy bunch.. nasty when provoked, but a happy happy bunch of nuts. ( actually that was just a personal observation )

      NEXT! Make sure that you follow the instructions given to you so you can still be fair to all involved... there are many members who have more than one job leveled past 65.. and many who have been doing Dynamis runs for more than a few months.....

  6. Free Lot!!! WOOHOO! Free lot stipulations are as follows:
    1. AF Armor - if no one else is lotting on that piece as noted in there comment you will see "free lot" all over your screen that means this item is considered lottable by every member there..

      The fun part of the rule..... ALL AF Armor pieces are subject to the One Lot Rule! so choose your pieces carefully.

      This is where you and Temptation have long midnight walks and talks on the white sandy beaches of your mind.. Enjoy!

    2. AF Weapon - Everyone and Anyone are welcome to these items .. this is an unconditional lot.
    3. Money - NO ONE - NO ONE -  NO ONE  is aloud to lot on money.

      one more time for the visually impaired:  NO ONE IS ALOUD TO LOT ON MONEY!

      OMG OMG OMG WHY!?!?!

      1. Money most times will pay for next run.. unless you have ohh.. 1M you want to donate every week?
      2. What does not go to Paying for Dynamis entry will be distributed among the masses if designated by Search Comment. Now, how simple is that?

That's it! Onto the ooo and ahhh part of the rules and regulations...

As making strict "Forceful" rules tend to leave some uneasy, currently we are trying to lead by example and run with 'Our word is our Bond' kind of philosophy (after all this is a strong and morally upstanding, dare I say, wonderful LS).. HOWEVER! There are good no GREAT examples of Rulebooks established for Dynamis Linkshells, Leaders and Members floating around everywhere..

I will post said example in the hopes that it or a likeness there of will never have to be implemented forcefully in any way other than was is outlined on this page.. happy reading ☺

Dynamis Rulebook v1.0